Thursday, November 15, 2007

Peace State

Peace State is a global online community to assist in the creation and sustenance of a conscious evolution of peace and a culture of nonviolence.

As part of the growing dialog of peace, we will post articles related to all aspects of peace including inner peace, interpersonal peace, community peace, regional peace, national peace, international peace, environmental peace, and spiritual peace.

We will provide information regarding the politics of peace, peace policies, peace products, peace prophets, peace education, peace literature, peace media, peace organizations, the international peace movement, peaceful coexistence and other topics related to peace and nonviolence.

There is a planetary shift moving away from a civilization based on fear and violence to one based on love and peace. Peace State is one catalyst among many moving evolution in the direction of peace.

There are currently more than 21 million humans engaged in some form of war or activities supporting warfare on the planet. It is our goal to engage at least that many humans in the activities of peace by the year 2021.

Peace State is a meeting place and safe haven for those of us engaged in the activities of peace.

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